Our Team

Gregor Maček
Managing Partner
Lawyer, Patent and Trademark Attorney

Gregor holds a degree in electrical engineering and law, both of the University of Ljubljana. He joined ITEM in 1997 and in 2000 became a managing partner. He has a wide range of experience in both contentious and non-contentious matters especially in the fields of trademarks, domain names, patents and industrial designs. Gregor has been actively involved in preparing amendments to the Industrial Property Act in 2001 and 2006. Gregor has written several articles and lectured on new Slovenian legislation and case law.

B. Sc. Electronics, University of Ljubljana
Lawyer, University of Ljubljana
State Law Exam (Bar Exam)
Slovenian Patent, Design and Trademark Attorney
European Patent Attorney
OHIM Trademark and Design Attorney

  • Board for Patent and Trademark Attorney Qualification Examinations at the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, member
  • European Patent Institute (EPI), Council member, Board member
  • Association of Slovenian Patent Attorneys, member
  • AIPPI, member
  • Mediation Council at the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, president
  • INTA, member
  • ECTA, member
  • Arbitrator at the Czech Republic the Court of Arbitration for disputes relating to the domains .EU; from 2007
  • Deputy of the President of Conciliation Council for resolving disputes between employers and employees in relation to inventions invented during the employment



  • Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trademarks throughout the World (Slovenian section), The Brown Book, 2009-2014 [PDF]
  • Kršitev mednarodne znamke, Podjetnik, 2014 [PDF]
  • Import of infringing goods into EU through Slovenia constitutes infringement, WTR, 2013 [PDF]
  • SIPO confirms that company name may present obstacle to trademark registration [PDF]
  • Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures (Slovenian section), Oxford University Press, 2006 and 2012
  • Average consumer held to be increasingly attentive when buying food products, WTR, 2011 [PDF]
  • Olympic Committee trips on UNION OLIMPIJA hurdle, WTR, 2009 [PDF]
  • Registration of sound mark refused based on earlier word mark, WTR, 2009 [PDF]
  • ‘.si’ domain name registration rules relaxed, WTR, 2008 [PDF]
  • Stricter standard of similarity applies to identical goods, says court, WTR, 2008 [PDF]
  • SIPO’s request for review rejected by Supreme Court, WTR, 2008 [PDF]
  • No likelihood of confusion between TS SLOVENIA and TIS Slovenia, WTR, 2007 [PDF]
  • Slovenian Intellectual Property Office registers first sound mark, WTR, 2007 [PDF]
  • MERCATOR opposition refused for the second time, WTR, 2007
  • ‘Two Bulls’ design not confusingly similar to RED BULL marks, WTR, 2007 [PDF]
  • SCARPA not necessarily descriptive, WTR, 2006 [PDF]
  • Shape of a bottle registered, WTR, 2006 [PDF]
  • Amendments to Industrial Property Act in force, WTR, 2006 [PDF]
  • Company name blocks trademark registration for the first time, WTR, 2006 [PDF]
  • Date of application for extended Community trademarks clarified, WTR, 2005 [PDF]
  • SIPO not sold on MERCATOR opposition, WTR, 2004 [PDF]
  • G-Star loses fight for ELWOOD mark, WTR, 2003 [PDF]
  • Uveljavitev CTM znamke v Sloveniji, EVRO Pravna Praksa, 2003
  • Novi zakon o industrijski lastnini, Pravna Praksa, 2001
  • Imate original?, PROPRO magazine,  2000


  • The extension system of European Patents to Slovenia; predavanje v angleškem jeziku je bilo namenjeno predstavnikom držav, ki so se nameravale pridružiti Evropskemu patentnemu sistemu, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2000
  • Spremembe na področju znamk ob vstopu Slovenije v EU, Upravnopravna sodniška šola, 2003
  • Blagovne znamke kot pravni monopol, Formitas & Gea Colleague, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
  • Intelektualna lastnina – praktični vidiki, Akademija za inovativnost, 2004
  • Intelektualna lastnina, Patent, Varstvo pravic intelektualne lastnine, Trženje pravic intelektualne lastnine; serija predavanj v okviru EU projekta "Boost-it" za podjetja v Primorskem tehnološkem parku", 2006



  • Recomended Individual by WTR 1000; 2011 - 2014
  • Leading Individual by Chambers Europe; 2012 ­ - 2014



Slovenian, English, Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian

Personal Interests

Horseback riding, Cycling