News & Publications


Supreme Court issues landmark decision in cancellation action, WTR, 2015 [PDF]

Slovenia: A route to damages, WTR, 2014 [PDF]

Earlier CTM loses priority date after being converted into national trademark [PDF]

Širokopasovno kršenje znamke (Broadband trademark infringement), Podjetnik, 2014 [PDF]

Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trademarks throughout the World (Slovenian section), The Brown Book, 2009-2014 [PDF]

Kršitev mednarodne znamke (Infringement of international trademark), Podjetnik, 2014 [PDF]

SIPO held to have committed procedural violation during provisional refusal phase, WTR, 2014 [PDF]

SIPO to start applying common practice on BW marks from July, WTR, 2014 [PDF]

Amendment regarding restitution of lapsed trademark applications introduced, WTR, 2014 [PDF]

MARTINI SPIRITO granted protection despite initial objections on absolute grounds, WTR, 2013 [PDF]

Import of infringing goods into EU through Slovenia constitutes infringement, WTR, 2013 [PDF]

SIPO confirms that TEFLON is well-known trademark, WTR, 2013 [PDF]

SIPO confirms that company name may present obstacle to trademark registration, WTR, 2013 [PDF]

Mark including five-pointed stars in a circle held to imitate EU symbols, WTR, 2012 [PDF]

Uncertainty remains following adoption of 10th edition of Nice Classification, WTR, 2012 [PDF]

Supreme Court recognises that unregistered sign may be transferred by contract, WTR, 2012 [PDF]

Austria and Croatia object to Slovenia's Kranjska sausage application, WTR, 2012 [PDF]

Common English word for alcoholic drink held not to be descriptive, WTR, 2010 [PDF]

Registered company name may infringe trademark, WTR, 2011 [PDF]

SIPO adopts opposing opinion’s arguments for the first time, WTR, 2011 [PDF]

Obligation to file regulation on use of international collective marks confirmed, WTR, 2011 [PDF]

SIPO to issue statements of grant of protection for international marks, WTR, 2011 [PDF]

Average consumer held to be increasingly attentive when buying food products, WTR, 2011 [PDF]

IDNs to be launched under ‘.si’ extension, WTR, 2010 [PDF]

SIPO’s MERCATOR decision set aside for the second time, WTR, 2010 [PDF]

Black panther mark rejected on grounds of public interest, WTR, 2009 [PDF]

Olympic Committee trips on UNION OLIMPIJA hurdle, WTR, 2009 [PDF]

Registration of sound mark refused based on earlier word mark, WTR, 2009 [PDF]

‘.si’ domain name registration rules relaxed, WTR, 2008 [PDF]

Stricter standard of similarity applies to identical goods, says court, WTR, 2008 [PDF]

SIPO’s request for review rejected by Supreme Court, WTR, 2008 [PDF]

No likelihood of confusion between TS SLOVENIA and TIS Slovenia, WTR, 2007 [PDF]

Slovenian Intellectual Property Office registers first sound mark, WTR, 2007 [PDF]

MERCATOR opposition refused for the second time, WTR, 2007

‘Two Bulls’ design not confusingly similar to RED BULL marks, WTR, 2007 [PDF]

SCARPA not necessarily descriptive, WTR, 2006 [PDF]

Shape of a bottle registered, WTR, 2006 [PDF]

Amendments to Industrial Property Act in force, WTR, 2006 [PDF]

Company name blocks trademark registration for the first time, WTR, 2006 [PDF]

Date of application for extended Community trademarks clarified, WTR, 2005 [PDF]

SIPO not sold on MERCATOR opposition, WTR, 2004 [PDF]

G-Star loses fight for ELWOOD mark, WTR, 2003 [PDF]